What is 52 Hittas?

What is 52 Hittas? 52 Hittas is the first Professional Spades League based in the Metaverse found in Meta Horizon Worlds. We will select 52 people who will, in turn, receive a card designation (Ace of Spades, Jack of Diamonds, Three of Clubs…ect). Once all cards have been assigned then 52 people paired off will make 26 teams. These teams will compete in League approved matches against each other in a 72 game season; with the top teams playing in a postseason tournament in which the winner is declared World Championship Spades Team. 

 We will also break each suit down to a families in order to have family competitions, leaderboard contest, and challenges for the #1 and #2 (PSL World Ranking) positions, and a host of other challenges. There will also be 48 Family positions (8 of which have been take and will consist of 4 Dealers and 4 Counters). The remaining 40 will be assigned to a family and even though they can not participate in the regular season (because they don't have a Card assignment) they will be able to participate in all other activities including challenge for the #1 and #2 positions. 

 52 Hittas PSL is an LLC company registered in NC. We are a Professional League, the first of its kind. As such even though anyone may come to Tha Hit House and play at any time, we also have limited Family positions available. If you are interested in joining a Family, please leave your contact info and someone from our organization will get back with you.that will be League approved and sponsored. He also started a Live Streaming Show called Tha Royal Brawl. It takes place Live on the floor of Tha Hit House 

 I am excited about where we are going as an organization, company, and League. I would like to extend you a personal invite to come play with us at Tha Hit House, just to see how your game fares against the Professionals. I look forward to seeing you sitting at the table. Hopefully your game is adequate enough to get your name in lights. This is Tha Cardmissioner signing out!